Hi there! My name is Morgan. I am a sports and portrait photographer residing in San Antonio, Texas. When I was 11 years old I became completely obsessed with the idea of becoming a photographer. My family couldn't afford to buy me a DSLR camera at the time, but this did not discourage me - I simply watched hours of videos online about photography composition, technique, and gear every day when I got home from school. When I was 12, in a Christmas raffle, I won a small Vivitar point and shoot camera. It wasn't anything like the cameras I was obsessing over, but to me, it didn't matter. It was a camera. I practiced composition on it every day. The next year, my grandfather bought me my very first DSLR camera. I was so excited to, at last, be able to apply everything I learned to create beautiful photographs. From then on I continued to hone my skills in portrait, sports, event, and commercial photography.